90 yaşında üniversiteye başladı
90 yaşındaki Rus Kirill Patrahin, dünya genelindeki pek çok yaşıtının aksine, bir köşeye çekilip hayattan vazgeçmiş şeklide ölümü beklemiyor. Perm Devlet Üniversitesi'nde coğrafya eğitimi almaya başlayan Patrahin’in gelecek hedefleri de var Rusya'nın Perm şehrinde yaşayan Kirill Patrahin tam 90 yaşında. İlk bakışta yaşlı bir emekli olarak görülebilir. Ancak o Rusya'nın en yaşlı öğrencilerinden biri. Hergün defterini kalemini alıp okulun yolunu, yani okuduğu üniversitenin yolunu tutuyor
It's never late! Russia's oldest university student at age 90
The Russian Kirill Patrone, who is 90 years old, does not expect to die in a corner and give up his life, unlike many of the world's many generations. There are future goals of Patrahin, who started to study geography at Perm State University.
Kirill Patrah, who lives in Perm, Russia, is 90 years old. At first sight it can be seen as an elderly pensioner. But he is one of the oldest students in Russia. He keeps his notebook in his notebook every day and keeps his way to the college, the university he reads.
"I have enough energy. I will complete my education and live to the age of 100, "said Patrahin Perm, a geography student at State University. The age difference between the classes is 70, but he does not care much about it. They even get support from them.
A student at the age of 90 tells a memoir: "The day before was a lesson in the science of sciences. You had to press the keyboard. I learned how to do it. A girl in the classroom -Anna helped me. I can now work with the computer